FA Constitution

The most recent version of the Broome Community College Faculty Association Constitution follows below. Feel free to download/print this PDF version of the constitution.


  1. The organization shall be known as the Faculty Association of Broome Community College, hereinafter referred to as the Association.


  1. To foster educational excellence and an atmosphere of intellectual freedom for the faculty, staff, and students of Broome Community College.
  2. To recommend improvements regarding curriculum, instruction, and the welfare of the students and the faculty.
  3. To provide the means for the ongoing study of educational matters and for the intellectual and cultural growth of college personnel.
  4. To promote inter- departmental understanding.
  5. To review personnel policies, enforce the hours, wages, and terms and conditions of employment, and assist the administration and Board of Trustees in the improvement of personnel status.
  6. To act as the sole and exclusive representative for the bargaining unit concerning working conditions and compensation.
  7. To provide a forum where members of the faculty may express their ideas and have a voice in the continuing development of the College and its academic policies.


  1. Membership shall consist of College Staff who are eligible to be in the bargaining unit, who have signed and had accepted by the treasurer of the Association an Association membership application, and who have paid the annual dues in full or who are having dues deducted through the payroll of the College. Those persons who are eligible for membership are defined in the Recognition Article of the Employment Contract.
  2. The dues shall cover membership in this local Association. The Local shall be affiliated with the New York State United Teachers (NYSUT) and its national affiliates.
  3. The membership year shall be September 1 through August 31. A “grace period” shall exist through September for members from the previous year. During this grace period, members from the previous year shall have voting rights.
  4. Members of the Association are hereinafter referred to as members.
  5. Agency Fee. In recognition of the obligation of the Association to represent those who are a part of the bargaining unit, regardless of their Association membership, an agency fee in an amount equal to Association dues shall be imposed on all full-time college employees of the bargaining unit as listed in the Recognition Article of the Employment Contract who are not Association members when such an agency fee is in force. Such agency fee payers shall receive a copy of the current contract and shall not enjoy such membership benefits as the following:
    1. cannot be nominated or elected as an officer or councilor.
    2. cannot participate in the election of any councilor or officer.
    3. shall have no voting rights on any issue.
    4. cannot attend any meetings except by invitation.
    5. shall not receive local mailings.


  1. The officers shall be a President, Vice-president/Grievance Chairperson, Secretary/Parliamentarian, and a Treasurer.


  1. The Executive Committee of the Association shall consist of the officers, the past President, and the past Vice-president. Its meetings shall be scheduled by the President at the beginning of the fall semester and again at the beginning of the spring semester and publicized to the Association.


  1. The Representation Council, hereinafter referred to as Rep Council or councilors, shall be the primary policy making body of the Association. Its meetings shall be scheduled by the Secretary at the beginning of the fall semester and again at the beginning of the spring semester and publicized to the Association.
  2. Rep Council is responsible for the formulation of all policy, new and revised, with the exception of constitutional changes and ratification of employment contracts.
  3. Any member of Rep Council who cannot be present at a meeting of Rep Council may designate another Member to act as her or his proxy at that meeting. The councilor shall furnish that proxy with a signed letter specifying the proxy, which the proxy will deliver to the President or Secretary/Parliamentarian at the meeting in which she or he will serve. Alternatively, the councilor may send an email from her or his college email account to the President, and a copy to the proxy, specifying the proxy.


  1. Rep Council through the President as member ex-officio shall regulate and supervise all committees.
  2. There shall be the following standing committees:
    1. The Financial Audit Committee, which shall arrange for an audit of the Treasurer’s books once each year before the election, and shall report to Rep Council in writing.
    2. Grievance Review Board, which may assist the Vice-President/Grievance Chairperson in the assessment and preparation of grievances as needed. It shall consist of the four previous presidents, if available and the previous Vice- President/Grievance Chairperson if available. In addition, any Member engaged in a personal grievance may appoint any other Member to be his or her advocate with the grievance.
    3. Nominations and Elections Committee, which will be chaired by the Secretary. It shall be the charge of this committee to call for nominations to Rep Council and Officers’ positions, assemble ballots, and supervise all elections. This committee is also charged with broadening the base of potential Representatives by educating the Members about the importance of serving on Rep Council, and encouraging Members in each represented constituency to seek election.
    4. Negotiation Resource Committee, which shall be responsible for ongoing education of the membership with regard to contract issues, and shall poll the membership with regard to upcoming negotiations. Membership of this committee will consist of Members in good standing, drawn from each of the constituencies represented by the Association, chaired by a member of Rep Council. They shall be selected by majority vote of Rep Council.
  3. The President may appoint additional committees, such as (but not limited to) consumer affairs, or political action, as the need arises. All such committees shall report periodically as required by the President and Rep Council.


  1. All elections shall be held in accordance with the By-Laws of the Faculty Association of Broome Community College.


  1. The Association will hold meetings of the full membership at the beginning of each semester.
  2. Additional meetings of the membership may be called by the President, Executive Committee, or a vote of the majority of Rep Council for the purpose of information and discussion.
  3. Polity. The Polity is a meeting of the members of the Association. Decisions reached as a Polity take precedence over decisions of Rep Council. The calling of a polity, and the procedures to be followed at a polity are governed by the By-Laws of the Faculty Association of Broome Community College.
  4. All meetings shall be conducted according to Roberts’ Rules of Order, Revised.


  1. The By-Laws of the Faculty Association of Broome Community College exist to carry out the provisions of this Constitution.


  1. Reimbursement of elected officers and negotiating team members shall be determined by Rep Council.
  2. The fiscal year shall be from September 1 through August 31.
  3. The Treasurer shall submit to Rep Council a budget and a fiscal report annually. These shall be distributed to the membership after approval by Rep Council.


  1. Voting on amendments and constitutional changes shall be by mail ballot no earlier than one (1) week from a Polity where the changes were discussed, and no later than three (3) weeks from that Polity.
  2. Balloting shall be supervised by an officer of the Association. Valid ballots must retain the mailing label or signature to ensure a valid vote.
  3. A simple majority of the members of the Association must approve amendments and constitutional changes.